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General Information

There have been a total of 19242 visits to the NOVALynx Home Page since the counter was last reset.

Total hits as reported by our hosting service counter between 1 November 2001 and 30 June 2002

or an average of 159,439 hits/month

Note: This service counts hits on all pages and on every image on every page. Although useful, this will give a very inflated figure for hits to a site.

NOVALynx counters, which we program ourselves, can be set to give a count of only one for a visit to a page, and many other pieces of information for each hit can be stored in a secure database where they can be retrieved, assessed, sorted and selected in any way you wish.

We can selectively track IP addresses (which can give an indication of locale of the visitor), date and time of the visits and the pages visited and the date and time, where the visitors came from (and if blank means the visitor typed in the address of the page visited), the browsers used, the operating systems of their computers, etc. It can also give an indication of the search words used if they came from a search engine. This system also makes it possible to track how visitors moved around your website during their visit.


Your browser is being registered as Netscape.

Platform information from your system is:

Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;


Your IP address is