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NOVALynx Demonstrations
Event calendar - view calendar
Event calendar - view calendar

This simple event calendar shows one or more events for any day of the month. An event can also be set to span multiple days and the administrator of the calendar can choose from a variety of colours for each event.

There is a separate photograph displayed for each month and companies using the calendar could easily select their own photographs.

(Photographs by Arnold Matthews)
Event calenday - administer information in calendar
Event calenday - administer information in calendar

This is a live maintenance screen for the calendar above. You can change, add or delete events. You can also change the colour used to display a given event. Try it out to see how easy it is to maintain!! We have given you a username and password on the administration login screen.

All data is stored in a database on the web server so that any changes you make are instantly reflected on browsers all over the planet.

Technical note: For security reasons we have removed the ability to enter full featured text.

To see what our fully functional corporate version looks like, click on the link in the next line.:

In this version, company staff with no programming knowledge can enter stylized text or other languages.
Event calendar with standard calendar layout
Event calendar with standard calendar layout

This calendar has a standard day layout. There are links for each scheduled item and there can be multiple events for a given day. Clicking on a link will bring up more detail and a possible link to a website or webpage for that item.

It is set up so that users can add items to the calendar, but they will only appear after an administrator has reviewed the item and approved it.

Users can select items by category. If a user selects a category, for example, Dance Performance, then it will bring up a list of all items that refer to dance performances.

The administrative maintenance of the calendar to approve, add, edit and delete events or to add new categories is extremely easy.

Live site statistics
Live site statistics

This page shows live information about visits to two pages on our website.

The system can be extended to show much more detailed information about visits to every page of a client's website. The information is available for a variety of statistical reports.


©2001 NOVALynx