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Otto Armin, Violin, Toronto


Otto Armin is an outstanding violinist from a very musical family. He gained international recognition as laureate of the Sibelius International Violin Competition in Helsinki. He finally took up residence in Germany and was the first concertmaster with the Hamburg Philharmonic and concertmaster with the Stuttgart Radio Orchestra.

A quote from one review:

"Technically, more perfect playing than Armin's can hardly be imagined. In addition, the playing was full of emotion, a poem from the beginning to the end; and the sound of his violin - no words can describe; it must be heard", Eino Hanninen, Kaleval, Helsinki.

(The photo session that produced this photograph was the second of two sessions. In the first session, I accidentally plugged the flash unit into the wrong connection on my Hasselblad and even though the flash unit flashed, all the negatives were blank. We had a good laugh and the second session was much more relaxed, productive and fun.)


Otto Armin, Violin

© Arnold Matthews