Judy Marshak , comic actress

Judy Marshak is currently part of the "dream-cast" of 'Menopositive! The Musical' from September 15 to October 1, 2006 in Waterloo, Ontario. She plays the part of the irrepressible Zsu Zsu. Allison Grant is the director, with musical direction by Lona Davis.

The photograph on this page was taken at the production of "Harry's Back in Town" at the Bayview Playhouse in Toronto. I believe that the costume was based on Carmen Miranda's famous Chiquita Banana. The photograph was used by the Toronto Star and filled almost a full page. This was wonderful for attendance.
(go to another page with photograph of Judy on this site at: photosTheArtsPg05.html)

Since our house was around the corner from the Playhouse and I had spent much time at the theatre, we had the cast party at our house after the production closed.

'Harry's Back" was my second assignment after becoming a full time freelance photographer in the arts. The first was spending the entire summer with the National Youth Orchestra of Canada and my family on the campus of Laval University in Québec.


Judy Marshak, comic actress

© Arnold Matthews